Celebrations like graduation, a milestone birthday or anniversary, a retirement, a wedding, and a celebration of life are all occasions where we pull out old photos and memories to share and reminisce. I love a photo display, but I also love a keepsake, something tangible to have beyond the party, that can be enjoyed for years to come. One keepsake I like creating is a sign-in guest book customized with photos. Here are some tips for creating one.
Read MoreGraduation is an opportunity for parents, the graduate, family members, and friends to connect through their memories. While I love a picture board, my goal with photo displays is to not only display the photos, but to tell a story with them. Here are 8 ways I told my daughter’s story at her graduation party.
Read MoreKids that are graduating in the next several years are destined to be resilient. The pandemic has given us all a story to tell. I have always been a huge advocate of creating lifetime keepsakes for graduates and not just ‘picture boards for the party’. There has never been a better time to embrace this approach. With that in mind, here are 6 things that you can do now to prepare for graduation.
Read MoreOne year ago at this time, I was knee deep in emotion. My middle child, my only boy, was getting ready to graduate from high school. This wasn’t my first rodeo. I’d been through this grad party thing before with my oldest daughter, but like their personalities, it wasn’t the same.
Read MoreI will be the first to admit that I am not always camera ready when my mom wants to take a picture of me. My hair is messy, my skin is breaking out, or I didn’t get much sleep the night before. None of those things stop my mom from wanting to take the picture. “It’s for the memories,” she says with a big smile.
Read MoreMy middle child is graduating this year. In addition to the mom emotion of it all, I'm not gonna lie, finding and selecting pics to create graduation keepsakes has been rough. I'm comforted, however, by the fact that I can't do this wrong.
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